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Why is this text in English while I am Dutch? Well, the majority of the family and friends are non-Dutch speakers, and as I focus on international, the used language here will be English. Occassionally the text will be in Dutch, French, German or what ever language may come across, depending the subject.
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zaterdag 28 februari 2009

The princess & the musician

A little princess has her birthday today! Congratulations sweet Emily, 5 years old now! Een klein prinsesje is jarig vandaag! Van harte gefeliciteerd lieve Emily, nu 5 jaar oud!

And musician Rini has his birthday too, only half an age older... Happy birthday! En musicus Rini viert ook zijn verjaardag, alleen een halve eeuw ouder... Gelukkig verjaardag! http://anacruses.blogspot.com

maandag 23 februari 2009


Mondaymorning wake-up: shake that ass!

zondag 22 februari 2009

zaterdag 21 februari 2009

How to deal with Dutch people (12)

Holland is small. It is sometimes rumoured that Holland is so small they take it inside when it's raining. This is not true because it rains 365 days a year. This also explains the wooden shoes: they float. Yes…Holland is small and Hollanders are very proud of it. They will use any opportunity to say that Holland accomplished such great things for such a small country. A fitting answer would be to refer to it's colonial past.

donderdag 19 februari 2009

By your side

If only you could see...

woensdag 18 februari 2009

maandag 16 februari 2009


Vergif is het interessante onderwerp van studie voor morgenavond. Legio voorbeelden uit de geschiedenis, zoals de beruchte familie Borgia, en van eigen bodem niet te vergeten Goeie Mie. http://www.poisoncentre.be/article.php?id_article=326http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categorie:Vergifhttp://www.emedicinehealth.com/poisoning/article_em.htmhttp://mens-en-samenleving.infonu.nl/diversen/16380-goeie-mie-de-leidse-gifmengster.html

donderdag 5 februari 2009

How to deal with Dutch people (11)

Hollanders do not like spending money. They would rather cut of an ear. A Hollander will be your friend for life if you give him something for free. This might explain the great success of McDonalds in Holland. The story that copper wire is an invention of two Hollanders fighting over a found cent is absolutely true.

maandag 2 februari 2009

Hiep hiep hoera

Mama is vandaag jarig! Van harte gefeliciteerd! Nog vele jaren in goede gezondheid, liefde, geluk en voorspoed toegewenst! Mama has her birthday today! Congratulations, many happy returns in good health, love and prosperity!

zondag 1 februari 2009


The Queen of Heaven, and Mistress of the House of Life, was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. De Isisring, Kaigre Brest http://www.kaigre.fr/