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Why is this text in English while I am Dutch? Well, the majority of the family and friends are non-Dutch speakers, and as I focus on international, the used language here will be English. Occassionally the text will be in Dutch, French, German or what ever language may come across, depending the subject.
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vrijdag 15 mei 2009

Observe and Report

Een gezellig avondje Antwerpen -ondanks de gietende regen- begint met Italiaans eten http://www.deltaweb.be/restaurant-Del-Sud-Classico+6151+n en daarna naar Metropolis http://www.cinenews.be/Movies.ByPlace.cfm?YellowID=66&lang=nl voor ongecompliceerde humor met de film Observe and Report. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1197628/
A cosy evening out in Antwerp, to a nice Italian restaurant and afterwards seeing a hilarious movie about a security officer catching an exhibitionist in a shopping mall.

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