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Why is this text in English while I am Dutch? Well, the majority of the family and friends are non-Dutch speakers, and as I focus on international, the used language here will be English. Occassionally the text will be in Dutch, French, German or what ever language may come across, depending the subject.
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zondag 18 januari 2009

How to deal with Dutch people (9)

Avoid soccer fans at all times. Soccer in Holland is just an excuse to crush the skulls of practically everybody else, including yours. This mainly takes place when the game is lost…or tied…or won. It is extremely foolish to stand next to a cop during these festivities. Also remember never to mention the 1974 cup finals near a Hollander. He will instantly pull you into a long-lasting litany about how good 'Orange' played then and how good…blablablabla…

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