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Why is this text in English while I am Dutch? Well, the majority of the family and friends are non-Dutch speakers, and as I focus on international, the used language here will be English. Occassionally the text will be in Dutch, French, German or what ever language may come across, depending the subject.
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zaterdag 20 november 2010

Brains Award 2010

On Thursday November 18th Werner won the Brains Award 2010 with his invention "The Solar Cooker". The event took place in the STRP in Eindhoven, capital of the brains :) Congratulations with this great achievement!
Afgelopen donderdag ontving Werner in Eindhoven de Brains Award 2010. Zijn geperfectioneerde uitvinding Solar Cooker was nummer 1 geworden, een geweldige prestatie! Van harte gefeliciteerd!

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