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Why is this text in English while I am Dutch? Well, the majority of the family and friends are non-Dutch speakers, and as I focus on international, the used language here will be English. Occassionally the text will be in Dutch, French, German or what ever language may come across, depending the subject.
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vrijdag 4 mei 2012


Vandaag is het Dodenherdenking, en hierbij gedenken we allen die hun leven hebben gelaten tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De Waalsdorpervlakte is daarbij juist door de eenvoud toch wel indrukwekkend...
http://www.erepeloton.nl/start.html en
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nederlanders_ge%C3%ABxecuteerd_tijdens_de_Duitse_bezetting Today it's Remembrance of the Death during World War II. We remember the people who died during that war, and we have a moment of silence at 20.00 hours out of respect.

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